Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bad Blogger (oops)

Here's what happens when you try to sneakily take a photo of an appalling person on the subway with a new phone that turns out to have a flash function that you didn't realize was on, so you freak out quietly and swing the stupid thing downwards immediately and pretend that you were playing a game on the phone the whole time...could have ended very badly.

Bad Reading Material

Ah, another middle-aged woman trying to hold onto her youth by reading Teen Vogue. I rarely see actual teenagers reading Teen Vogue, so it's double embarrassing. That said, I give her props for being completely without shame.

Bad Product

Gross. Disgusting. Outdated. And sold at Rite Aid. Really, guys? Spittoons for the modern age. Here's a tip: if you see someone purchasing this product, run away like a bunny, because they are icky.

Bad Skater

Here we have a skateboard strapped to the back of what looks to be a rather silly but otherwise reasonable lady. Look closer now. See? Yes, it IS a skateboard devoted almost entirely to feces. That, young lady, is not a good look. Find new friends.