Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bad Produce Section

A little sanitary napkin in your salad, ma'am? GROSS. Adds fiber, maybe? :)

Bad Ski Venue

They are a trifle confused, yes? But, as with our granny doggy post, SO CUTE.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bad Doggy Daddy (but secretly it was sooooo cute)

Yes. The dog is wearing Chucks. And a cap. And it's kind of disheveled. The poor thing looks like a speedwalking granny in a mountainous lesbian community. I love it.

Bad Speller, but Tastes Very Expensive

So, it's not "bad," but it's damned funny.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bad Drink. Worst, Maybe.

A comment isn't what this should get. It should get a noise, specifically the noise that emitted from my throat when I saw these gems in the grocery store. The best I can think to spell it would be fllleeegggghhheeecccchhhhhheeewwwwwww.

Bad Getting Around Town Vehicle

So, when does the tow truck come? When the trash is actually spilling out of the windows? There aren't even any parking tickets here. I'm just confused.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bad Bag Boy

Great posture? Check. Tiny waist? Check. Looking both ways before crossing the street? Half check. Saggy, ill-fitting sweatpants declaring his occupation as a dancer? Big check. Women's Louis Vuitton bag that goes with nothing about this outfit? Yes sir. Thanks to Meredith for keeping her eyes peeled for hapless humans.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bad Blogger (oops)

Here's what happens when you try to sneakily take a photo of an appalling person on the subway with a new phone that turns out to have a flash function that you didn't realize was on, so you freak out quietly and swing the stupid thing downwards immediately and pretend that you were playing a game on the phone the whole time...could have ended very badly.

Bad Reading Material

Ah, another middle-aged woman trying to hold onto her youth by reading Teen Vogue. I rarely see actual teenagers reading Teen Vogue, so it's double embarrassing. That said, I give her props for being completely without shame.

Bad Product

Gross. Disgusting. Outdated. And sold at Rite Aid. Really, guys? Spittoons for the modern age. Here's a tip: if you see someone purchasing this product, run away like a bunny, because they are icky.

Bad Skater

Here we have a skateboard strapped to the back of what looks to be a rather silly but otherwise reasonable lady. Look closer now. See? Yes, it IS a skateboard devoted almost entirely to feces. That, young lady, is not a good look. Find new friends.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bad Biking, But Secretly Awesome

So technically I suppose that biking around NYC with two parrots on your back is a bad call. Especially when they are shitting down your back in tandem. That said, though, let's all agree that this guy wins. Thanks for the photo, Dad!!

Bad Body Shaping

Honey, you're at Bloomingdales. If you turn left and go up a half flight of stairs, you'll find the hosiery department. Head up there and pick up some Spanx, and I won't even say anything about the jumpsuit.

Bad Transportation

Look closely. When you cringe and say something like "holy shit, no way!" you'll know you've got it. That is a stretch Hummer limo in a nauseating shade of bubblegum pink. Your life will never be the same.

Bad...Just Bad

The important thing about this is that the person seen here with a cutesy hairdo and barrettes in her hair, reading US Weekly is 95 years old. You can't see her face, obviously, but she looked like a China doll. Pulled in every direction, with BIG circles of rouge on her cheeks, like Miss Piggy and Joan Rivers in The Muppets Take Manhattan.

Bad Hair

Gross city. Thanks to my all-things-gross-looking-out-buddy Meredith, we can all now admire the mile long lice magnet/hairtail that is this poor soul's hairdo of choice. Look how it gets skinny and gnarly at the bottom since she doesn't bother to trim her dead ends. The top is shiny, which at least gives the impression that she washes it, which is nice of her. Her outfit's cute, though. There's my one nice thing for the day. Oy.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bad Look for Law Enforcement

Dear New Jersey,
sometimes you make me incredibly happy, and for that, I almost forgive the times that you make me so angry.

Bad Word Choice

Really, guys? I mean, I get that it's probably your last name, but for Pete's sake, it's 2010, and if you think anyone's going to walk past that sign without tittering, you are hopelessly wrong. But then, maybe you're just very savvy businessmen.

Bad Car

This is a glittery red Bentley. There is nothing more to say.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Bad Walking

(Sorry for the very poor quality here. I was walking.)
Dear Sir,
St Marks Place in Manhattan NYC is most certainly on the list of Top Ten Places to Never Ever Go Barefoot. Best of luck to you.

Bad "bad girl"

So, you put on the jacket of sequins, looked in the mirror, and decided you weren't looking silly enough, so you put on the flowery skirt, huh? I've been there. Except it was Halloween and it wasn't a Tuesday.

Bad Boots

Miss, you've got something on your boots. Oh, you bought them that way?? So sorry.
Thanks to Bea.

Bad Pumpkin

It's a farmer! It's a pumpkin! It's Nicole Richie! It's a mime who fell in a bucket of sorbet! It's not good.
Thanks to Meredith!

Bad Dentistry

I have to believe that the owner of these teeth spat them out onto the sidewalk on purpose. Unless he was really distracted by something else and only noticed the holes in his mouth when he got home. Gross.

Bad Aging

I really like Courtney Love, too, lady, but I sure hope that I'm not trying to dress like her when I'm SIXTY F-ING YEARS OLD.

Bad Pants

Jeggings...you shall be smote.

Bad 80s Throwback

She probably saw this on GOOP, Gwyneth's amazingly accidentally hilarious blog. Bless.

Bad Friends

I hope the girl on the far left is embarrassed to be friends with the other two. (You can't really see it here, but the girl in the white jeans was wearing black underwear. I shouldn't be able to tell you that.)

Bad Ad

Who can explain this ad campaign to me? I'm pretty sure that Don Draper would fire whoever came up with this. And then he'd screw someone's wife. Yeah.

Bad Cat Fashion


Bad Feet

A different kind of toe shoes.